REVIEW: Goya vs Delacroix, battle of the contrasts

round 1 – GOYA A double bill at Barcelona’s CaixaForum: Spanish icon Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828) and his French counterpart Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863), utterly distinctive artists, comparable in their contrasts. Each broached grim, often violent subject matter imaginatively, manipulating colour and tone to heighten emotion to make fantastical scenes seem real. Goya, portrait… Read more »


LINKS: Paradoxes of the anti-capitalist kind

Click here for Andy Beckett’s excellent book review of Paul Mason’s Why It’s Kicking Off Everywhere. “The failings of the free market may have given the protesters their cause … but the free market has also given them the means to take political advantage.” Click here for Tom Lamont’s interview with Alan Moore, the creator… Read more »


WHAT’S ON? Quitt

Lluís Pasqual, director of Barcelona’s most international theatre, Teatre Lliure, has announced that a government budget cut of €614.000 has forced the theatre to end its main season in May, and cancel three productions in their entirety.
