Tag: Anton Chekhov

NTGent’s Platonov – Chekhov Unchained!

NTGent / Luk Perceval / Roeger Eigen Producties / Platonov by Anton Chekhov / Photo credit: Phile Deprez

No indignity is spared in this NTGent production of Platonov, directed by the Belgian theatre and film director Luk Perceval. Platonov (its English-given title) is a 105-minute adaptation of an unwieldy early play by Anton Chekhov, written by the Russian between the ages of 18 and 21. Completed in 1878 and with a playtime of around… Read more »


REVIEW: Los Hijos se han Dormido, dir. Daniel Veronese

Anton Chekhov’s The Seagull (1896), a quietly unsettling “comedy in four acts”, is pepped up in Argentinian director Daniel Veronese‘s abridged Spanish version, Los Hijos Se Han Dormido. The setting is rural Russia, where a group of ‘artists’ – some past their best, others frustrated with their future, a third lot not able to enjoy their… Read more »
