It Don’t Worry Me: the Anatomy of Theatre

In March 2016 propagandists, located (according to Google Analytics) in Saint Petersburg, infiltrated my blog ‘Vote Trump!’ They urged on a number of posts about Catalan theatre productions. Of course it’s nice to receive any comments, but it was disconcerting that having perused my online persona (courtesy of Facebook) my unwanted guests would have targeted me as an American with alt-right tendencies. The thought actually worried me for a while: perhaps they know something I don’t.
The authority of the conclusions of those who observe and interpret us might be a theme in It don’t worry me, a funny and “different” play (well said by the lady next to me); a collaboration between Catalan troupe Atresbandes and British-based French-British-Greek duo Bertrand Lesca and Nasi Voutsas.
Lesca and Albert Pérez Hidalgo do much of the performing, but most notably provide a running commentary in English interpreting, in a disembodied way, their own and each other’s physical activities. At the same time, Mònica Almirall provides the simultaneous interpretation of their words into individual headphones (optional, but advisable if your English isn’t really good or you’re just a bit tired). Another two pairs of eyes are added as Voutsas and Miquel Segovia watch conspicuously from the audience.
A play about the relationship between art and political correctness, say the troupes, it’s an oddly mesmerising if inconclusive experience. The commentary on commentary has its own momentum that keeps things interesting, irrelative of what’s actually going on. Before you know it an hour has gone by and we’re still sitting there, supremely informed but still in the dark.
It don’t worry me 
19.1.2020 18h Espai Lliure Barcelona
