Tag: play

REVIEW: Jordi Casanovas – Els Millors Ocasions

Jordi Casanovas is the award-winning author of play Els Millors Ocasions (The Good Times) which was staged at his little Sala Flyhard theatre near Sants (Barcelona). Directed by Ferran Utzet, the play is a darkly comic example of Catalan noir. Set in a men’s toilet in a train station, Alonso is the TV journalist who is handcuffed to a… Read more »


REVIEW: Pau Miró’s Els Jugadors (The Players)

Prolonged! See it at Lliure – Gràcia between 20th June and 1st July. It’s one of those Barcelona kitchens that look like it was added on as an afterthought. A microwave best kept clear of, a crappy radio, empty bottles of Gin Giro clustering on grimy surfaces with other even less salubrious brands.
